Title: Lies in Snapshots Summary: Peter Pettigrew wants to feel useful and appreciated. He might have finally found his chance. Characters/Pairings: James Potter/Peter Pettigrew (unrequited); Peter, the Marauders, some Death Eaters Genre: good old fashioned Wormtail angst Rating/Warnings: PG/this pairing might upset people Medium: Fic Word Count:
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Title: Fundraising Summary: Snape endures another Death Eater Meeting. For Fic Challenge #45. Characters/Pairings: Snape, Voldemort, various Death Eaters Genre: Humor Rating/Warnings: PG/PG-13 for language Word Count: 505
Title: A Touch Of Genius (Chapter One) Summary: It is 2010, in an alternative universe. Voldemort won the Second Wizarding War 12 years ago, and has taken over Britain. In the present day, he is moving outwards, his forces going into Asia to commit mass killings in the same of cleansing the world. A new Order of the Phoenix arises, drawing from old
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Title: Cycles Summary: Regulus has proven to be a good little minion and has one final test before receiving the Dark Mark and becoming a Death Eater. Characters/Pairings: Regulus Black, Bellatrix Black, Voldemort, Rodolphus Lestrange, random Death Eaters Genre: Drama Beta: n/a Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for death and dark overtones Word Count:
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Title: And in the end... Summary: Gideon relives his past and then faces his future (NOTE: This was written right after OotP so timelines may appear wrong) Characters/Pairings: Gideon Prewett, Fabian Prewett, Antonin Dolohov, implied Dorcas Meadowes/Gideon Genre: angst Rating/Warnings: PG13? Death etc Word Count: 1247 ( One )
Title: Hufflepuff Death Eater Characters: random hufflepuff Medium: pencils, markers Notes: this is what happens when I ask weird questions in puffchat =P
Fanfic Challenge #17 Prompt: Death Eaters. Either something they did as a Death Eater or the circumstances that led to becoming a Death Eater. Words: 500+
Title: Another Troy to Burn Summary: Araminta Meliflua may have tried to get the Ministry to legalize Muggle-hunting, but she isn't the only one who enjoyed it; a gathering in the woods
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Title: BRB, DYING OF CUTE Summary: A response to Challenge #73 "That bunny is working for Voldemort!" Characters/Pairings: random death eater Genre: art, humour, crack Rating/Warnings: G/Extreme CUTE Medium: graphite pencil ( evil bunny )